Faculty/Staff Emeriti
Polonius Aberfoyle
Deputy Headmaster (2020-2024), Head of Parador Fellowship (2020-2024), Defense Against Dark Magic Professor (2020-2024), CEO of Dowling Industries (2017-2020), Secretary of Magic (2011-2017), Head of Parador Fellowship (2005-2011), Transfiguration Professor (2003-2011)
Played by Chad Patten
Aleator Boudreaux
Headmaster (2020-2024), Deputy Headmaster (2011-2020), Head of Colubrae Fellowship (2008-2020), History of Magic Professor (2006-2024), Colubrae Fellowship Ghost (2006-2011)
Played by Cody Miller
Evangeline Craefter
Practical Magics Professor (2007-2011), Head of Enigmus Fellowship (2007-2011)
Played by Storm Hortman
Clark Dowling
Headmaster (2003-2010, 2012-2020), Defense Against Dark Magic Professor (2003-2020)
Played by Brian Dowling
Amelia Emberwing
Herbology Professor (2012-2020), Head of Parador Fellowship (2017-2020)
Played by Amelia Emberwing
Sachiko Kobiyashi
Headmistress (2010-2012), Deputy Headmistress (2004-2010), Head of Lobostro Fellowship (2004-2010)
Played by Sachiko Boland
James “Greywolf” Spangler
Potions Professor (1930-2005), Head of Lobostro Fellowship (1963-2005), Secretary of Magic (2005-2010)
Played by Dave Morgan
Tyler Ward
Care of Magical Beasts Professor (2005-2006), Head of Enigmus Fellowship (2005-2006)
Played by Tyler Ward
Shadow Wiseacre
Charms Professor (2018-2019), Head of Colubrae Fellowship (2018-2019), Member of the Titans
Played by Hayley Muñoz
Other Characters
Please note: Not every former Light or Shadow is listed here. Only those that had scripted roles and were considered official cast members are listed.
Algernon Boudreaux
Enemy of Avistrum, Son of Aleator Boudreaux from an Alternate Timeline
Played by Cody Miller
Caterina Colubrae
Founder of Colubrae Fellowship, Grandmother of Anastasia Boudreaux
Played by Rachel Finley
Originally an Enemy of Avistrum and Vassal of Simon Drake, Later Parador Fellowship Ghost
Played by Loreena Rose