Read from the Beginning

The Golden Door

October 2023 (MileHiCon)

At Opening Ceremonies, Headmaster Aleator Boudreaux passes out. After carrying him to the infirmary, Deputy Headmaster Polonius Aberfoyle also shows the same symptoms and has to be carried out by Professor Storm Skovsgaard and Maldraco Davante. When they, too, start to show symptoms, the staff kicks in to high gear. Anastasia Boudreaux collects the remaining professors and calls a vote to activate the magic wards left behind by Hera last year. They agree, and all the adults leave the Great Hall to begin working on that, leaving Head Girls Ellie Bumble and Gwen DeGrance in charge. The Sorting is postponed.

On Saturday, everyone is relieved to see the Headmaster fit as a fiddle, but he does not have his customary southern accent. When Ellie asks him about this, it touches off a round of questions that reveal that the students are no longer in their own Avistrum, but in some kind of parallel reality. Instead of Sorting, students participate in a Choosing, where they select their Fellowship (what they knew as Houses). Student leaders are called Lights (leaders within a Fellowship, who “light” the way for others) and Shadows (overall school leaders who “shadow” the faculty). With everyone’s heads still reeling, they go through the Choosing and then proceed to learn more about this new world.

By Sunday, the faculty is out of ideas on how to get the students back to their own reality. But Ellie realizes that she slept cradling the phylactories of the Greek “gods,” and they crossed over with her! Evie Bradford‘s journal also crossed over, and the professor is able to consult her notes about the “gods.” Anastasia volunteers to host the spirit of Hera, who realizes what has occurred: the wards she established, combined with the spirit of the Great Eagle, transported the students to a new reality, one where they would be safe from the Sons of Jupiter and the curse that struck the faculty. The Great Eagle used the last of his strength to accomplish this, and so there is no going back. The faculty of this new Avistrum pledge to protect the students and to be worthy of the Great Eagle’s sacrifice.

Jupiter’s Glass

October 2022 (MileHiCon)

Headmaster Aleator Boudreaux is missing from opening ceremonies, as he has been brutally attacked by an unknown group, and is recovering in the hospital wing. The next day, Aleator reveals that the group is known as the Sons of Jupiter, and Kristala Koles explains that she learned about them while she was undercover. They are disciples of the Roman pantheon, who preserved their consciousnesses in items known as phylacteries, which they wish to use to forcibly take possession of members of the Avistrum faculty and use them to restore the Roman gods to a place of worship.

Fortunately, the Avistrum staff have come into possession of phylacteries containing the essences of several of the Greek pantheon, who were the ancestors of the Roman pantheon the SOJ worship. Desperate for help against this new foe, five volunteer to host the Greek “gods”: Anastasia Boudreaux hosts Hera, Kristala Koles hosts Hades, Polonius Aberfoyle takes on Apollo, Ellie Bumble hosts Artemis, and Gwen DeGrance takes on Aphrodite.

The “gods” help them figure out that the SOJ is after the remaining fragment of the Scythe of Kronos, which they hope to use to take control of time and rewrite history. The problem is, the fragment is the last link the Avistrum staff have to their friend Clark Dowling, who is lost in time battling the spirit of Kronos. Reluctantly, Professor Joleen Latrova volunteers to temporarily host the essence of Hephaestus, to see if the Scythe can be destroyed. He confirms that it can, and leaves a spell with Joleen.

The SOJ finally break in to the school, and appear to have the upper hand despite the presence of the Greek gods. They are resistant to all the spells the staff throw at them. They begin torturing Aleator again, to force him to give them the Scythe. Finally, Apollo uses ancient Greek spells that break through the SOJ’s shields and sends them packing.

The school votes on whether to destroy the fragment of the Scythe, or to hide it in the Labyrinth. In a close vote, they decide to destroy it, and Joleen and Aleator use Hephaestus’s spell to make it burn to dust.

Memory Unbound

October 2021 (MileHiCon)

There is tension early on as Headmaster Aleator Boudreaux questions why his granddaughter Anastasia has detained Professors Koles and Voertigern. Order is momentarily restored when the two return safe and sound, but they are secretive about where they have been.

In spite of his brand new posting as Herbology Professor, Storm Skovsgaard continues to work as a Dark Hunter, and a mission calls him away from the school unexpectedly just as term is about to begin. When he returns just a few minutes later, it seems suspicious, especially when he doesn’t act like himself. While nobody else catches on at first, Professor Joleen Latrova immediately knows that this is not Storm. They quickly figure out that this Storm, a vampire, is from the alternate timeline, and they detain him.

Further research shows that this alternate Storm is a memory remnant made solid, stranded when the rift between the timelines was repaired. He doesn’t have his complete memories, but he does remember turning against the Archmage. But his time is running short. If they don’t return him to the other timeline, he will likely die, and cripple the memories of the real Storm from that timeline.

While all the adults come up empty, Ellie Bumble figures out a way to take Storm home using memory travel. She escorts him home, but then is trapped on the other side. Fortunately, she left a path back with Gwen DeGrance, and through the mirror portal, the students watch as she travels from memory to memory to return home.


September 2021

Anastasia Boudreaux confronts Avistrum Professor Kristala Koles over suspicions that, for years, she has been spying for the French government, stealing Avistrum secrets. Kristala runs, escaping into the hidden passages of the castle. Anastasia recruits Mordecai Argiletum, Evie Bradford, and Maldraco Davante to help hunt her down.

Kristala reasons that someone has burned her in order to get to get to her colleague, Professor Trent Voertigern, and his research on the Fountain of Youth. When Maldraco tracks her down, she begs for a little more time to track down who burned her and why. Maldraco demands the name of her handler in exchange. When she tells him her handler was Damarris Va’Culli, he says he knows the name, and there is no way he is French intelligence. Reluctantly, Maldraco lets them go to hunt for more evidence, while he reports back to Anastasia.

Based on Maldraco’s information, Kristala and Trent go to Professor Desmond Cubrick‘s remote laboratory Arizona. Anastasia and the others track them there, but they aren’t the only ones. When they arrive, a group of hooded figures are attacking everyone in the lab. They grab Kristala and are about to get away, but Trent charges them. A killing curse hits Trent square in the chest, but his distraction allows the aurors to bring down the assailants. They have matching “SPQR” tattoos on their arms.

Suddenly, Trent sits up, unharmed. His research on the Fountain has rendered him invulnerable to death. Nonetheless, the surprise of his resurrection distracts everyone, allowing the villains to escape using their tattoos.

Anastasia agrees to let Kristala and Trent continue undercover to try to flush out Va’Culli and the other members of this secret cabal.

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Titan’s Vengeance

October 2020

After months of trying to find Headmaster Clark Dowling, who is lost in time, the faculty of Avistrum are beginning to lose hope. Every time they pinpoint a time and place where he has appeared, they arrive to find he is already gone.

As Anastasia Boudreaux, Polonius Aberfoyle, and Mordecai Argiletum continue to do research in the Library of Alexandria, they discover the terrible secret of the Scythe of Kronos; that it is imbued with the evil force of the Titan himself.

Ellie Bumble and Kraven Bloodthorne each have separate visions that seem to be related to Clark. They send for Polonius to join them to see if they can make sense of it. Meanwhile, as the team attempts to set off on another mission, the Time Chamber ejects the whole team before it disappears entirely. Determined to rebuild the Time Chamber and continue their mission, the faculty reach out Avisturm alumna Evie Bradford for help.

Just as Evie arrives, Aleator finally puts some other clues together to find a note from Clark himself telling them to stop looking for him. Of course, they all know that Clark would ignore such a direction if it came from any of them, so they set about, with Evie’s help, to find and/or reconstruct the Time Chamber.

Kraven, Ellie, and Polonius decide to try a seance to reach out to Clark’s spirit through time. Just as they are about to make contact, Ellie senses that the Time Chamber has reappeared. She races off too quickly to realize that Polonius has begun channeling Clark.

Startled that the Time Chamber has reappeared so suddenly, Aleator and the others race to recalibrate it and head off to save Clark once and for all. Polonius, Kraven, and Audrey Deserand arrive back just in time to stand in their way, telling them that Clark himself has been hiding the Time Chamber, and that they need to stand down. It has only reappeared because the seance disrupted Clark’s concentration. Clark is fighting the spirit of Kronos through time. If they rescue him and reunite the pieces of the Scythe, the malign spirit will enslave the whole world. Anguished, Aleator finally accepts that they must leave Clark to walk the path he has chosen, and the Time Chamber disappears once more, for good.

Listen on Podbean: Prologue | Episode 1 | Episode 2 | Episode 3 | Episode 4 | Episode 5 | Episode 6

The Sands of Time

October 2019 (MileHiCon)

In what appears to be an attempt to taunt the Avistrum staff, Algernon Boudreaux has been copying the crimes of Simon Drake on their anniversaries. The next one: the destruction of Timmernak. The faculty reach out to their friends and former colleagues, Kraven Bloodthorne and Audrey Deserand, to warn them. Just as they are about to round up a party to go defend Timmernak, Bloodthorne and Deserand arrive at Avistrum instead. Bloodthorne has used his Sight to determine that this has all been a feint to distract from the real attack, coming to Avistrum. With the timeline continuing to unravel, more friends and acquaintances have also disappeared from reality.

They receive intelligence from Victoria Navidson, who has been planted as a spy in Algernon’s gang pretending to be her mirror-universe self, confirming Kraven’s vision, and telling them that Algernon is after some Scythe, but that she is compromised. A rescue mission finds her just in time, and she finishes delivering her intelligence: Algernon is after something called the Scythe of Kronos, which can manipulate time.

The professors race to learn where the Scythe is, and what it does, while Algernon launches wave after wave against the school’s defenses. Finally, they learn that the Titan Kronos was a wizard, and that his scythe, which can indeed control time, has been hidden in the Labyrinth, where it is protected by Guardians descended from his bloodline through his son Hades. Headmaster Clark Dowling‘s mother Hannah then reveals that their family are the Guardians of the Scythe. While Clark is the current Guardian, the magic protecting the Scythe will not allow him to retrieve it. But his father, Samuel, left behind fragments of a map throughout the school.

After the students find the rest of the map, the Titans volunteer to go get the Scythe. Before they go, Clark honors them with promotion to full Dark Hunters. Unfortunately, this quest is what Algernon has been waiting for. Once the Titans have the Scythe, he ambushes them and takes it. Then he breaks into the school’s Time Chamber to destroy reality and make himself a god. Clark goes alone to face him. Using the mirror portal, the faculty and students are able to watch as Clark successfully takes the Scythe from Algernon and banishes him back to his own timeline, where he has to face the murderous wrath of the Archmage. But Clark also disappears in a blaze of light.

The Scythe is also gone, leaving behind only a sliver of metal. Using this, Kraven is unable to determine Clark’s location. But Reginald, the school’s majordomo, notices a new artifact in the castle archives. In it, they find a hieroglyph message that tells them Clark is lost in time. The faculty leave to begin planning a rescue mission.

Divided We Fall

October 2018 (MileHiCon)

As Algernon Boudreaux‘s reign of terror has continued, the casualties to the Avistrum family keep piling up. Most recently, Algernon has beaten Storm Skovsgaard nearly to death. When Opening Ceremonies is disrupted by a message that Algernon has been sighted, Headmaster Clark Dowling attempts to hand the reigns to his deputy, Aleator Boudreaux, and leave. Aleator has reached his limit. He calls a vote and the faculty removes Clark as Headmaster. Clark’s decision to nevertheless leave causes a standoff among the faculty and student leaders, with some lining up in support of Clark and others standing behind Aleator. The rift splits every group, from the professors to the Dark Hunters to the Teen Titans.

Aleator and his allies decide that the best thing to do is cut Clark off from the power of the Library of Alexandria. In order to do this, they must revoke Clark’s title of Paladin of the Sphinx, which requires a challenge to trial by combat. Since multiple people step up to challenge him, it triggers a tournament to determine Clark’s opponent. Both factions enter contestants, including Clark himself; pairings and weapons are to be chosen at random by lot.

Meanwhile, the Titans discover that some people are disappearing from existence. About half the staff has forgotten who Professor Savvi Kayen is (or was). Also, prophecies strike Head Girl Ellie Bumble, Professor Polonius Aberfoyle, and Professor Oceanus Akworth that hint at something apocalyptic coming.

The tournament whittles down, and the strife between the factions amps up, until the final match between Aleator and Clark. However, rather than fight, Clark surrenders the Sword of the Paladin and relinquishes his title to Aleator. Simon Drake is enraged, discovering too late that Clark has been using him to decipher the ancient languages of Alexandria without ever intending to take up the powers of the Archmage.

Johnny, the guardian of the flag and protector of Avistrum, emerges from the Void to shed light on the prophecies, which reference the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and identify that Simon Drake is one, as is Algernon, as is… Clark. He warns that Algernon must be removed from this timeline, or the fabric of reality will unravel. He then returns to the Void, taking Drake with him.

Clark is re-instated as Headmaster. When he announces that he is still going after Algernon, this time, the whole faculty stand with him.

A Death in the Family

October 2018

Storm Skovsgaard, determined to help his mentor Clark Dowling hunt down the evil Algernon Boudreaux without becoming the evil Archmage, sets out on his own mission. Unfortunately, his mission goes sideways, and he is captured by Algernon and the Boogeyman. When he refuses to join Algernon, the villain beats him savagely. Clark arrives too late, and finds his protege’s body, apparently lifeless.

Read the Comic


May 2018

Headmaster Clark Dowling‘s decision to study with Simon Drake and learn the ways of the Archmage has split the staff and the Dark Hunters alike. Sensing the dissension in the ranks, Deputy Headmaster Aleator Boudreaux has called a meeting without Clark.

Despite entreaties from several of the staff, Aleator refuses to relieve Clark of his duties. However, when Storm Skovsgaard advocates more drastic action in support of Clark, Aleator also dismisses him from the meeting. He urges the staff to have faith in Clark, which enrages Amelia Emberwing. She sees her brother slipping away, and she can’t believe Aleator won’t intervene.

The meeting breaks up, and Aleator closes the door, to find that Clark is now there in the room. Clark wants to know why Aleator supports him when he doesn’t agree. “That’s what trust means,” Aleator tells him.

Aleator also says that if Clark goes too far, he will stop him, by force if necessary. “I’m counting on it,” Clark says, and disappears, leaving behind a memo with a tactical assessment of himself.

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Path of the Labyrinth

October 2017 (MileHiCon)

Opening ceremonies includes a reception to celebrate the wedding of Headmaster Clark Dowling to Professor Elizabeth Blackwell. Despite the joyous occasion, Clark is moody. The murder of his father Samuel by Algernon Boudreaux looms as a shadow over everything.

Clark’s proteges, the Teen Titans, announce that they have found an entrance to the Labyrinth of Daedalus, and evidence that it will lead to the Library of Alexandria. They have also learned that Algernon is trying to access the Library, so it is a race to beat him there.

Secretary of Magic Polonius Aberfoyle has stepped down, and elections are imminent. Avistrum hosts the final debate between the candidates to replace him: Laurasia Jones, and the school’s old nemesis, now turned friend, Seraphina Marks.

Anastasia Boudreaux, now working for the Department of Mysteries, helps find more information for the Teen Titans. She also tells her grandfather, Deputy Headmaster Aleator Boudreaux, that she is in a relationship with Professor Amelia Emberwing. Aleator is unable to show her his support, deeply upsetting her.

The election concludes, and Seraphina Marks is announced as the new Secretary of Magic.

With time of the essence, the Teen Titans finally enter the Labyrinth and head for Alexandria. However, they encounter an unexpected foe, and are chased back by the Boogeyman, followed by Algernon and his associate Nicolas Wiseacre. Wiseacre takes control of Clark with his specialty Puppet Charm, and at Algernon’s direction, begins using him to threaten his friends. The Teen Titans successfully flank Wiseacre and the Boogeyman, stunning them, releasing Clark. But Algernon disarms Clark, and attempts to wound him with the Sectumsempra curse. Elizabeth jumps in front of him, and is gravely injured. Algernon and his associates escape back into the Labyrinth.

Closing ceremonies is rocked by the news that Elizabeth has died from her wounds. Clark, numb with shock, agrees to study with Simon Drake and learn the ways of the Archmage.

The World on a String

October 2017

The Aurors have captured the evil time fugitive Algernon Boudreaux, and Clark Dowling comes to interrogate him. Algernon mocks Dowling by confessing to the murder of his father, and tempts Clark into beating him senseless. However, Algernon’s henchman Nicolas Wiseacre gets the drop on Clark, and turns the tables. Clark is held defenseless as Algernon taunts him with his plan: to destroy everyone and everything that Clark loves as revenge for his humiliation. The only way he will ever stop, he vows, is if Clark becomes just like him – a murderer. Algernon and Wiseacre escape.

In the aftermath, Aleator Boudreaux vows to hunt Algernon down, while Simon Drake counsels Clark that only the power of the Archmage can defeat Algernon once and for all.

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An Old Evil Returns

October 2017

Thought to have been destroyed along with Simon Drake, the Boogeyman has returned, and this time he is taking muggle children, too.

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Knights of the Sphinx

October 2016 (MileHiCon)

An enterprising group of students, along with Headmaster Clark Dowling, have found the Sword of Enigmus, the key to restoring the last figure of the Founders Fountain. The Sword includes instructions to hold a Battle Chess tournament with real participants to complete the task.

Professor Oceanus Akworth shocks the school when he reveals the existence of Anastasia, the grandaughter of Caterina Colubrae and Deputy Headmaster Aleator Boudreaux. Anastasia’s mother was born in 1938, after Caterina left Aleator and jumped forward in time on her mission to break the Colubrae Curse. Her daugher, Katya, was left in Akworth’s care, and he also raised Anastasia when Katya died. Anastasia has come to complete her education and receive her diploma, but she has no interest in forging a relationship with her grandfather.

Aleator is arrested on suspicion of many serious crimes, and taken away to Alcatraz. He returns the next day, claiming to have posted his bond. Clark appoints him the opposing general for the Battle Chess tournament. The tournament is governed by a lengthy contract, which both generals sign. They begin to draft participants. Near the end, the Aurors and Aleator’s attorney, Victoria Navidson, return, and are shocked to see Aleator, since he is still in custody. “Aleator” reveals that he is actually Algernon, Aleator’s son from the dark alternate timeline. The terms of the contract prevent anyone from taking action against him until after the tournament. He also reveals additional provisions that he secretly attached to the contract. In addition to the Sword of Enigmus, which will give him access to the Library of Alexandria, a win will grant him the Colubrae emerald, allowing him to decipher the secrets of the Archmage.

With his next pick, Algernon attempts to draft Simon Drake, whom he has summoned back to life from the Void, though without his magical abilities. Drake refuses, however, and instead pledges his help to Clark, based on their shared goal of defeating Algernon.

The match begins, with Drake and Algernon lining up as Kings. Both sides take some losses, with neither gaining a decisive advantage. Though he wins his battle, Clark is wounded, and Algernon seizes the opportunity. He invokes his right as general to trade places with one of his pieces. However, Drake invokes the same right, and the two villains square off. Drake defeats him, winning the game, but the contract permits Algernon to leave without being arrested. Clark vows to hunt him down.

Within an hour, alarms go off from Wendell’s Dwelling, the orphanage run by Clark’s parents, Hannah and Samuel. Algernon, once again impersonating his father, is there. Many of the faculty race to rescue Clark’s mother and father.

A Vision from the Void

October 2016

After learning the previous term that there was a way to decipher her journal, Enigmus house ghost Ophelia Aaron has been determined to try. Unfortunately, she has disappeared, and now Professor Savvi Kayen has begun having disturbing dreams with her voice. Professor Oceanus Akworth recognizes them as visions, not dreams, and brings in Secretary of Magic Polonius Aberfoyle to help them reach out to Ophelia on the spirit plane.

They make contact, discovering that Ophelia has entered the Void, where she can make contact with the dead from other timelines. The journal was deciphered in Savvi’s original timeline. But now Ophelia has been trapped, captured by a figure they see only in shadow, but whose voice Polonius finds familiar.

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October 2014 (MileHiCon)

Visiting from Timmernak, Professors Kraven Bloodthorne and Audrey Deserand join Secretary of Magic Polonius Aberfoyle along with Professors Desmond Cubrick and Elizabeth Blackwell in leading the students on a trip into the past to retrieve an artifact needed to restore the Parador figure on the Founders Fountain. In their quest, they accidentally awaken a sleeping younger version of Professor Aleator Boudreaux, who flees. They are unsuccessful in retrieving the relic.

They return to the present only to find themselves in a terrifying dystopian alternate timeline, ruled by Simon Drake. Waking Boudreaux led to a chain of events that brought Drake to power, aided by his right-hand man, Clark Dowling, known in this timeline as the Archmage. The Resistance, led in this timeline by Amelia Emberwing and her lieutenant Savvi Kayen, protect the travelers from the terrifying quartet of Persephone, the Boogeyman, a dark version of Avistrum ghost Johnny known as The Soldier, and Aleator’s son in this timeline, Algernon Boudreaux.

They convince the Archmage to turn on Drake, and The Resistance aides the travelers in making their escape. Taking Savvi with them, since she does not exist in the original timeline, the travelers successfully return to the past, where they intercept Aleator. Kraven telepathically shows him both timelines. Aleator accepts that, for the sake of the world, he must face his destiny and die in a shootout with a U.S. Marshal. Taking solace in knowing that he will return to life in the future, he goes to face his fate, and the travelers return home once again.

The timeline has been restored (except for a couple minor differences), and with a special bonus – Aleator from the past has sent them the artifact, and the Parador portion of the Fountain is restored.

Curse of the Dragon

October 2015 (MileHiCon)

After the Colubrae emerald is stolen from the Lights of Sorting, a surprising pair of travelers arrive from the past. Original Headmaster Englebert Enigmus and his colleague, Caterina Colubrae, have traveled forward in time to try to counteract a curse on the Colubrae emerald. In her travels, Colubrae had once fallen in love with young Aleator Boudreaux in 1861, and their romance is reignited.

Englebert has a potion which can cure the effects of the curse, but it will not work without the full power of the Founders Fountain. The faculty helps him formulate another version that might help temporarily.

Head Girl Joleen Latrova is caught stealing Ophelia Aaron‘s journal (believed to be an item from the Library of Alexandria), at which point they discover that she has been under the Imperius Curse, and is the thief who stole the Colubrae emerald. Unfortunately, this means that she will be the initial victim of the Colubrae curse before it spreads to the rest of the school. Despite Englebert’s efforts, she continues to get sicker.

The unknown enemy who has been controlling Joleen sends his henchman, Nicolas Wiseacre, to get the emerald, and it is revealed that Joleen gave him the real journal and replaced it with a fake. The enemy needs the emerald to decipher the journal. The faculty break the Imperius Curse and capture Nicolas, but Joleen is near the point of death from the curse’s effects.

Caterina clutches her family heirloom and transfers the curse onto herself. This was the reason she traveled in time – only the death of a member of the Colubrae family can finally break the curse. She dies in Aleator’s arms, but her sacrifice restores her figure on the Founders Fountain.

The Trial of Persephone

September 2014

Persephone is put on trial for the many crimes she committed before her death. Seraphina Marks is her prosecutor, and she is defended by Avistrum Headmaster Clark Dowling and Colubrae prefect Victoria Navidson. The defense attempts to convince the court that, since she has no memory of her life, she is a different person and cannot be held responsible. The judge seems convinced, but Persephone, on the stand, admits that her memories have returned, and she changes her plea to guilty. The judge shows compassion, and rather than seeing her be destroyed, sentences her to confinement at Avistrum in perpetuity.

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October 2013 (MileHiCon)

Professor Tyler Ward has been rescued, and sticks around to teach for the term. Enigmus prefect Kristala Koles announces the formation of a group, the Foundation to Fix the Founders Fountain, or “fufufufu.” Ophelia Aaron, now the Enigmus house ghost after her murder at the hands of Simon Drake, warns everyone that a dark spirit seems to have taken up residence in one of the bathrooms. Persephone, still a ghost with limited powers, asks to be sorted, and is placed in Parador, much to Professor Amelia Emberwing‘s chagrin. Persephone will also be allowed to study to earn her diploma.

Potions Professor Trent Voertigern begins acting very out of character. Since the revelation by Simon Drake that the Founders’ Fountain was the Fountain of Youth, Trent has been experimenting with its waters. His searching leads him to his family’s collected journals, where he found the recollections of his ancestor, King Voertigern. The spirit of his ancestor, the dark spirit Ophelia felt, possesses him. Together. the students and staff are able to drive the spirit from Professor Voertigern. To their joy, the “magic mirror” awakens and shows that the figure of Luna Lobostro in the Fountain has been restored because of their service to their Head of House.

Both Scorpio Douglas and Persephone are awarded their diplomas, but the happy ending is interrupted by Seraphina Marks of PALM, who has been appointed a special investigator by the Department of Magic judiciary. She arrests Persephone for her past crimes. Headmaster Clark Dowling suspects she must have been tipped off about the ceremony, and everyone is shocked when School Secretary Cynthis Scriba reveals that she was Marks’ informant. Colubrae prefect Victoria Navidson asks to represent Persephone in her trial, and Clark allows her to be his co-counsel.

The Rise of PALM

April 2013 (StarFest)

The announcement that Persephone, the ghost of a former enemy of the school, will be teaching a class leads to a protest from a parent group called Parent Against Lawless Magic (PALM). The group is led by Seraphina Marks, an old classmate of several of the faculty. Scorpio Douglas returns from a deep cover assignment to report that another other friend, Tyler Ward, who had been a Professor at Avistrum before leaving to play professional Quidditch, was abducted by Simon Drake a year ago, and still hasn’t been found. Headmaster Clark Dowling calls his friend Kraven Bloodthorne at Timmernak, and the two head out with Scorpio to rescue their friend.


October 2012 (MileHiCon)

To prevent Simon Drake from attacking the students as his deadline looms, the faculty manually trigger the magical lockdown at the beginning of the term. By means of a thaumaturgical portal (a magic mirror), everyone is still able to see what happens outside. Johnny (the version left behind after Drake took control of part of him) asks for volunteers for a regiment. Early in the term, the portal comes to life to show the other part of Johnny, the Soldier, leading an advance on the school. He destroys the fountain depicting the four school founders in the courtyard. Deputy Headmaster Aleator Boudreaux and the good Johnny rush outside to confront him. The Soldier magically crushes Aleator’s heart until he passes out, all while taunting Johnny. Johnny rushes the Soldier, and both disappear in a flash of light as Aleator awakens.

Head Librarian Mordecai Argiletum realizes that the Sumerian tablet previously found in Drake’s office might be a source of his power, along with his reliance on the Fountains of Youth. With the students’ help, they break the tablet.

Drake’s forces mount another attack, this time with the Boogeyman leading the way. He taunts Professor Clark Dowling, his old nemesis. Clark ventures forth with Secretary of Magic Polonius Aberfoyle, who wants payback for the Boogeyman’s attempt on his life. As they face down multiple assailants, Professor Elizabeth Blackwell rushes out to help them. Despite their heroics, the Boogeyman’s dementors begin feeding on Polonius and Elizabeth, and Clark is caught by the Boogeyman. Remembering something from his childhood, Clark realizes a strong Patronus charm will vanquish his nemesis, and he calls for help from the students. The students use their Patronus lanterns from Defense Against the Dark Arts class to aid him in casting a Patronus, and the Boogeyman and dementors vanish.

With almost no time to recover, Drake enters the school, once again able to bypass all the wards. He attempts to murder Headmistress Sachiko Kobiyashi, unaware that the lockdown is already in place. Sneering, he pulls a sword instead, challenging Clark. Clark and Polonius fight him simultaneously, but Drake reveals that his sword skills date back to his days as a conquistador, when he discovered the Fountain of Youth. He wins the swordfight, and seems to have the upper hand. However, Persephone pretends to plead for his forgiveness, as she steals the tattoo from his palm that is the last source of his power. Unfortunately, Drake is able to take it back just as quickly. Then, the voice of Johnny comes through, asking the students to help him take control of the star. With their help, Drake loses control of the connection, and is pulled into the Void, where he dissolves into nothingness.

Despite the victory, Headmistress Kobiyashi announces with a heavy heart that she is resigning to return to her home in Japan to battle a new threat that is arising. She offers the job to Aleator, but he declines. There is no other serious discussion – Clark is returned to the job after a faculty vote.

/ Forcing Drake’s Hand

April 2012 (StarFest)

Simon Drake, still masquerading as a Muggle congressman, takes the lead for the Republican nomination for President. Horrified at the possibility of Drake gaining control of the U.S. armed forces, Secretary of Magic Polonius Aberfoyle and the Dark Hunters hatch a plan. Scorpio Douglas, using Polyjuice Potion, impersonates Drake and breaks into his office, planting incriminating papers and grabbing an ancient Sumerian tablet that he finds. However, Scorpio drank all of the Polyjuice Potion, leaving none for the next phase of the plan.

Drake casually walks into the school the next day, but is greeted with confusion rather than hostility. When Deputy Headmaster Aleator Boudreaux asks him why he isn’t in Washington, Drake is also confused as a press conference begins on the TV. Drake watches himself confess to tax evasion and campaign fraud. Persephone, still able to shapeshift even as a ghost, impersonated him!

Drake, undaunted at the loss of his Muggle power base, has a surprise of his own. He has taken Deputy Secretary Oswald Kensington captive, and uses that leverage to make his escape.

Worlds at War

September 2011 (MileHiCon)

Headmistress Sachiko Kobiyashi shocks the school at opening ceremonies by revealing that Persephone, now a poltergeist after her murder at the hands of Simon Drake, is helping them to thwart his plans. Despite heightened security, a mysterious package makes it into the hands of Deputy Headmaster Aleator Boudreaux. Opening this package, Boudreaux magically returns to human form after having spent over 100 years as a ghost. When several of the school’s prefects do not show up for term, Headmistress Kobiyashi dispatches owls looking for them. Secretary-elect Polonius Aberfoyle awakens from his long coma, and Acting Secretary Oswald Kensington swears him in. A package arrives from Simon Drake; when Headmistress Kobiyashi opens it, she discovers the prefect badge and a piece of school scarf belonging to Enigmus prefect Ophelia Aaron.

Exploiting a secret connection to school ghost Johnny’s spirit and Johnny’s deep connection to the school, Drake makes it past the defenses into the school. He immediately murders an auror to trigger the school’s magical lockdown. The other aurors, except for Captain Anton Tovoretski, reveal themselves to be Drake’s Regulators. Drake smugly admits to murdering Ophelia. He also confesses to restoring Aleator’s life via an accidental horcrux Aleator had made as a young man, to prevent him from passing to and from the void. While Drake’s henchman, the Boogeyman, tortures several of the adults, the Regulators search the school and find papers belonging to the Lobostro prefect Falchion. Having what he came for, Drake leaves, but with one more surprise. He takes full control of Johnny and forces him, in tears, to leave with them. Drake warns the faculty and students that they have one year to decide to join him, lest they meet Timmernak’s fate.

In the aftermath, Aberfoyle creates a unity government and recalls Clark Dowling to the aurors service, along with Boudreaux and Scorpio Douglas. He also asks Kraven Bloodthorne, but Kraven declines, deciding instead to go rebuild Timmernak as penance for its destruction. Professor Audrey Deserand leaves with him.

Inconsolable over Johnny, Aleator rallies the students to use some small soldier figurines Johnny had given them to try and summon him back through the Void. A version of Johnny returns, but one who does not remember anything since his death in the Civil War, and mistaking Aleator for his father, Alain.

Worlds at War

September 2011

With Secretary-elect Aberfoyle still in a coma, Oswald Kensington steps in as Acting Secretary to lead the wizarding government in resisting Simon Drake. Headmaster Clark Dowling and the other Professors, working as a vigilante group called the Dark Hunters, work in secret to find the source of Drake’s power and destroy his organization.

Watch on YouTube: Part 1 | Part 2

/ Secretary of Magic Elections

April 2011 (StarFest)

The special election for Secretary of Magic is thrown into chaos with Simon Drake‘s third-party bid. The Electoral College vote ends up very close, but Senator Polonius Aberfoyle prevails over Drake and Oswald Kensington. As Aberfoyle gives his victory speech live on WNN, Kensington arrives to congratulate him in person. As Kensington delivers a heartfelt concession, an assailant in the crowd points a wand. Aberfoyle shields Kensington from the spell, and is struck down, immediately falling into a coma.

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Secretary of Magic Debate

March 2011

Secretary Greywolf‘s resignation triggers a special election to fill his term as Secretary of Magic. Senator Oswald Kensington and Senator (and Avistrum Professor) Polonius Aberfoyle are the two candidates, and they have a debate that airs on WNN.
With voting set to happen in just a few short weeks, Simon Drake drops a bombshell and reveals to the world that he is a wizard as he announces a third-party candidacy for the job.

Watch on YouTube: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

Fall from Grace

October 2010 (MileHiCon)

Clark Dowling and Kraven Bloodthorne return to Avistrum after rescuing Secretary of Magic Greywolf. For their heroism, Greywolf pardons them, then promptly resigns his office. The faculty discover an ancient portal that can be used by ghosts to cross back and forth from the Void. Robin Kayenta-Dowling discovers a note left by Johnny, the Lobostro house ghost, that tells them he has been trapped in the Void, and that Aleator Boudreaux, the Colubrae house ghost, has gone to rescue him. Johnny returns from the Void, but not with Aleator; rather, he brings along Aleator’s father, Alain Boudreaux, who had been a Colonel in the Confederate Army during the Civil War. A series of incidents indicates that Persephone is again attacking the school, but Simon Drake accuses Clark and Kraven of wrongdoing instead, and forces Deputy Headmistress Sachiko Kobiyashi to place them under house arrest.

It is indeed Persephone, however, and when she appears, Drake is revealed as a wizard, not a Muggle, and to have been her master all along. He takes Head Girl Amelia Emberwing hostage, and then, displeased with Persephone’s failures, executes her in front of the whole school. This murder triggers a failsafe in the school that freezes all magic, and Drake is able to escape in the commotion. Vowing to take down Drake, Clark Dowling resigns as Headmaster, handing the responsibilities to Deputy Headmistress Sachiko Kobiyashi. Alain returns to the Void, and Aleator comes back. He brings a message from his father for Enigmus house ghost Viola Fey. Alain, having fallen for her, invites her to join him in the Void, and Viola chooses to go join him.

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August 2010

Still on the run from the aurors, Clark Dowling and Kraven Bloodthorne seek out the assistance of Scorpio Douglas, and the trio search for evidence that will exonerate Kraven.

Watch on YouTube: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

A Soldier’s Story

June 2010

This short film tells us the story of the Lobostro house ghost, Johnny, during the American Civil War. We see his friendship and later conflict with Alain Boudreaux, the father of Colubrae house ghost Aleator Boudreaux.

Watch on YouTube: Trailer | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

The Trial of Kraven Bloodthorne

April 2010

Despite being a sitting Senator, Oswald Kensington is permitted to be the prosecutor at Kraven Bloodthorne‘s trial for the atrocities of the destruction of the Timmernak School for Boys. Clark Dowling serves as his defense counsel, and tries to introduce evidence that Bloodthorne was controlled by Persephone under the Imperius Curse, but the court refuses to allow the evidence. The judges also permit Kensington to submit an affidavit from Persephone without allowing the defense to cross-examine her. Outraged by the injustice of the trial, Dowling blasts a hole in the courtroom wall and helps Bloodthorne escape. The two go on the run.

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Bloodthorne’s Interrogation

November 2009

After his arrest, Kraven Bloodthorne is interrogated intensely in the bowels of Alcatraz prison by Senator Oswald Kensington. Bloodthorne is unable to remember any details of his time under the Imperius Curse, and Kensington is forced to release him until he stands trial.

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Echoes of Salem

October 2009 (MileHiCon)

Professor Aberfoyle, through leading the opposition to the PRETEND Act, gets elected to the Wizarding Senate. He brings a new ally, Muggle Congressman Simon Drake, to the school to help the wizarding government solve a number of disappearances. Headmaster Dowling, Professor Aberfoyle, and Professor Audrey “Trouble” Deserand fall under a curse which causes them to forget their adult lives and revert to childhood. A number of clues lead to the conclusion that Professor Kraven Bloodthorne is the villain behind the disappearances. Bloodthorne infiltrates the school and takes Professor Robin Kayenta-Dowling hostage. The capture of his wife momentarily reawakens Clark, and he attacks Bloodthorne. In the fight, the three professors and Drake are all knocked unconscious. When this happens, Bloodthorne is also shaken from the Imperius Curse that held him. He divines the source of the curse, which is three amulets the professors are holding. The students destroy the amulets, but at a cost; Bloodthorne can sense that Persephone has also had her mind restored. Although the faculty welcomes him back, Bloodthorne is arrested and taken into custody by the Department of Magic.

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The Chalice of Khufu

October 2008 (MileHiCon)

Headmaster Clark Dowling‘s old nemesis, Nikolai Matado, escapes from prison. Going undercover to foil his plans, Clark is captured and tortured into revealing the location of the Chalice of Khufu, which grants phenomenal powers of mind control. The faculty race to beat Matado to the chalice, but are betrayed by Professor Polonius Aberfoyle, who has been under Matado’s Imperius Curse. The students foil Matado and break his hold on Professor Aberfoyle, who uses the residual link to learn where Clark is being kept. The Headmaster is rescued, Matado returns to prison, and the Chalice is hidden once again.

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Kings and Pawns

October 2007 (MileHiCon)

Terrified by Persephone, the Department of Magic outlaws the practice and teaching of Transfiguration via the PRETEND Act. Persephone abducts Professor Grasella Moffatt. Professor Kraven Bloodthorne also disappears. Persephone plans traps for the faculty, but they outwit her by switching places using Polyjuice Potion. Persephone is captured, and her true form and plans are revealed – to eliminate all Muggle-borns from the school, and use it as a staging point to “purify” all of wizard society. Deemed too dangerous a threat because of her metamorphmagus abilities, the faculty and students erase Persephone’s memories using a powerful Memory Charm.

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Shadows of Persephone

May 2006 (OpusFest)

When Secretary of Magic Filbert Falstaff is assassinated by Persephone, Professor Greywolf is elected by the Wizarding Congress to complete his term. Investigation shows that Persephone has been plotting for a long time to take over the school, and was only thwarted when Clark Dowling became Headmaster and could not be corrupted by her. As the faculty search for a way to discover what Persephone looks like, she infiltrates the school by impersonating Deputy Headmistress Sachiko Kobiyashi. The students are able to disarm her, but she escapes.

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The Medallion of Akpuch

May 2005 (OpusFest)

Secretary of Magic Filbert Falstaff entrusts Avistrum with the protection of the Medallion of Akpuch, which can be used to raise and control the dead. The evil Persephone sends dementors to attack the school and take the Medallion, but they are repelled by Headmaster Clark Dowling. The Medallion is hidden safe from her clutches.

Read the Novelization