Don’t forget – Starfest 2011 (this weekend, April 15-17) is an official polling place for the Secretary of Magic special election pitting Senator Polonius Aberfoyle against Senator Oswald Kensington and write-in candidate Simon Drake – come join us and get out the vote!
You can also attend special classes in Herbology, History of Magic, and Defense Against the Dark Arts. Compete to be the Tri-Wizard Champion and win passes to NDK 2011, Tales from Avistrum at MileHiCon 2011 and Starfest 2012! Our annual Quidditch tournament will also be taking place Saturday and Sunday. We’ll also be debuting the poster for Tales from Avistrum: Worlds at War along with a trailer for the lead-in film during the Trailer Park. It’s going to be a lot of fun – don’t miss it!