Fall from Grace – The Trial of Kraven Bloodthorne

While the staff of Avistrum was distracted working at Starfest 2010, Senator Kensington succeeded in having Kraven Bloodthorne‘s trial scheduled for the same weekend. Professor Dowling represented him as his defense counsel. Despite obtaining conclusive proof of Bloodthorne’s innocence, the trial did not go well. View the WNN footage of the trial’s final day below:

[kml_flashembed fid=”youtube_bloodthorne_trial” movie=”http://www.youtube.com/v/uHNm6faC39E&hl=en_US&fs=1&color1=0x402061&color2=0x9461ca&border=1″ height=”364″ width=”445″ /]

We at Avistrum want to emphasize that we steadfastly believe in Kraven Bloodthorne’s innocence.