Tri-Wizard Champion crowned at Starfest 2010

Congratulations to Tess Meeks, the champion of the Starfest Tri-Wizard tournament 2010! Tess won our final task, Tri-Wizard Jeopardy, after being selected as the Anime champion from among over 20 qualifiers who passed the first two tasks. For her efforts, Tess has won a full-weekend passes to NanDesuKan 2010, Tales from Avistrum: Fall from Grace (including MileHiCon 42), and Starfest 2011. Well done, Tess!

Our Herbology/Divination and Charms/Potions classes were very well-attended, with no empty seats for either class – congratulations to Professors Deserand, Bloodthorne, Kobiyashi and Voertigern for such good work!

Unfortunately, the trial of Kraven Bloodthorne did not go well. We will post later with more details.